About Pat title image
Pat simmons

Pat Simmons

Having worked for many years in children's services at long day care centres, out of school hours care, museum settings and tafe teaching, I am now a full time writer of children's poetry, short stories and flash fiction. I've also visited child care centres with a variety of mini beasts and related activities as I love connecting children with the natural world. Insects and arachnids are not yukky! My first 'Book Week' visit happened in 2015 and I loved sharing my writing with the children and teachers at Grays Point School.

I live at Scarborough on the NSW south coast of Australia, with a menagerie of critters. I love reading, writing and animals. My writing is usually fun but sometimes dark - just like life really! I love poetry and I like writing poetry that makes people smile! As an emerging writer, I’m keen to connect with other writers so that we can share our journey.

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